Abdilahi Yusufow Cadowgaa Allah ha jabiyo, Adigana allow ku badbaadi Insha Allah.
We seek shelter for you in the magnificent Lord. There is no god other than him. He is truly our lord and the lord of everything. We seek shelter for you in our sustainer, and the sustainer of everything. May you place your trust in the living lord who does not die. You ward off all evil by the all-pervading might of 'there is no will or power except Allah". Sufficient for you is Allah. and He is the best of gaurdians. Sufficient for you is your Sustainer and the sole Sustainar of the entire existance. It is better to receive your needs from the Supreme Provider than to receive them from his dependents. It is better to seek the pleasure of the Creator than that of the creation. Sufficient for you is your sustainer. Sufficeint for you is the sole controller of the entire universes. He alone saves and no one can stand up to him. Sufficient for you is ALlah's hearing of our prayers for you and he alone has the power to fulfill them. Indeed, ALlah is the supreme goal, and there is nothing beyond him. Allah is sufficient for you. In him, we place our trust and indeed he the Lord of the Magnificent Divine Throne.
May Allah protect you from the six points, may you win against all your enemies and the enemies of your people. Allah be with you, and guide you through your difficult journey of finding the lost nation of Somalia. Insha Allah, you will lead the people from the darkness without bloodshed.
We seek refuge for you in Allah's magnificent and most glorious Countenance, and we seek protection for you in the santity of his perfect words which neither a pious nor a sacrilegious person can trespass, we seek refuge for you in Allah's holy attributes, those names we know and those we do not know, from any evil that may spur from what he created, scaled, sustains, and further brings back for judgement; from the harm of any evil you cannot bear, and from all evil, and from the creation whose final bounds Allah alone controls. Surely, our lord is on a straight path"