I government of Somalia ordered Aljazeera office in Mogadishu to close its doors, and also British Broad Cast News agency Somali section is accuse of once again being the voice of the terrorist.
BBC has partook Somalis civil war for the last 16 years. Somalis once again ask the British Governmetn and its people to stop supporting Terrorists, Anarchist, Seperatist, etc in Somalia. However the British Government refuse to listen and continue their propaganda against the Peace in SOmalia.
The british Government also deals with Somali republic two seperate Nations, They deal with the Governmetn of Somalia as Southern Somalia and the city of Hargeysa, which is separist intity as another Country. This is violation of the Un charter, etc. however the British Governmetn which is still after the colonial idea and is after Somalia once again refuse to comply with any Laws of the world.
That is why the BBC Somali section is used as a weapon to destory any peace the Somali people reach for the past couple of years. BBC is use Public incitement, which the anarchist and the separatist use for public Incitement.
VOA, Somali section, belonging to the USA has not been accuse for anything, and the public feels that it is working for peace, while the British Broadcast News is heavly involve the public incitement.
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